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Von Willebrand Academy - Ép.2
Publicado el  Jueves, 23 de mayo de 2024
Variant mapping using mass spectrometry-based proteotyping as a diagnostic tool in Von Willebrand Disease
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2024; AOP:10.1016/j.jtha.2024.04.011
Von Willebrand disease (VWD) is the most common inherited bleeding disorder, characterized by either partial or complete von Willebrand factor (VWF) deficiency or by the occurrence of VWF proteoforms of...
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Type 2M/2A von Willebrand disease: A shared phenotype between type 2M and 2A.
Blood advances 2024 Feb
Four variants have been continuously subjected to debate and received different von Willebrand disease (VWD) classifications: p.R1315L, p.R1315C, p.R1374H, and p.R1374C. We chose to comprehensively investigate...
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