La dernière actualité médicale WillebrandXPERT
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Von Willebrand Academy - Ép.2
Publications du  Jeudi 06 juin 2024
Early diagnosis of persons with von Willebrand disease using a machine learning algorithm and real-world data
Expert Review of Hematology 2024; 17(6): 261-268
Von Willebrand disease (VWD) is underdiagnosed, often delaying treatment. VWD claims coding is limited and includes no severity qualifiers; improved identification methods for VWD are needed. The aim of...
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Congenital Haemostasis Disorders and Urology Surgery: Is It Safe?
Journal of clinical medicine 2024 Apr; 13(8)
There are no specific recommendations for the management of patients with bleeding disorders (BD), such as haemophilia A (HA), haemophilia B (HB), or von Willebrand disease (WD), in urology surgery. Methods:...
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Willebrand Live - Enquête d'opinion
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